fight fatigue simply
September 09, 2016
We all experience fatigue at certain times in our lives. It is distinct from being tired as it is accumulated. Being tired over and over and over again = fatigue. Here are a few poses that if done on a regular basis will help you combat the effects of fatigue and encourage your body to rebuild its ability to generate energy and promote cell growth.
This is yin sequence that I recommend to stimulate your Jing, which might be described as your vitality or essence. Jing is located in the lower back and is largely responsible for your generative processes. It is no wonder that we have a lot of lower back pain in our culture as we are immobile in this region of the body from sitting at computers all day. These postures work on the connective tissue around the spine at the low back and therefore help to stimulate generative energy, keep the low back/pelvis region mobile and supple. Start slow, especially if you are sensitive in this region of your back and work up to the full poses over time. Be patient with yourself especially if these actions are not familiar to your body. Over time you begin to sleep better and feel more energetic and lively :)
1. Seal or sphinx (3 minutes) OR Saddle (4 minutes)
2. Half Frog as a counter pose (1 minute or more each side)
Half Frog
3. Childs Pose (as long as you like)
4. Reclined Twist (1 to 2 minutes each side)
5. Viparita Karani (up to 10 minutes)
Viparita Karani
Even if you do not have time for the whole sequence which I recommend three times per week, just doing a five minute Viparita Karani every night before bed will help as it will calm your nervous system and help you have a very sound sleep.
Always consult your doctor to ensure any yoga sequence, including this one, is appropriate for you and that you have no contraindications.