smoothing out the texture

January 12, 2017

Having an effective restorative sequence in your toolkit is invaluable especially when you are feeling stress. When I was in grad school, this sequence supported me and enabled me to manage my anxiety. The combination of heart opening, inversions and forward folds proved to be an effective combination that smoothed out the texture of my nervous system without putting me to sleep.

A sturdy, simple chair is essential. A yoga chair is ideal but if you have a good sturdy kitchen chair, it will often suffice. Blankets or meditation cushions are perfect for padding up the hard surfaces and giving your delicate neck space. I would not recommend Halasana (Plow Pose) for folks who have any neck conditions, soreness or discomfort in the neck region. Plow Pose is appropriate for those with a healthy neck and who are very comfortable with shoulder stand. Always consult your doctor to ensure that any yoga sequence, including this one, is appropriate for you and that you have no contraindications.

1. Supported Adho Mukha Svanasana(Downward Facing Dog) with your forehead on a block. Hold for up to 1 min.

2. Supported Backbend over a chair. Hold for 30s to 1 min.

3. Supported Halasana(Plow Pose) over a chair. Use two blankets at a minimum for neck support. Hold for 5-10 min. Notice that the shoulders reside on the blankets while the back of the head is on the mat.

4. Supported Janu Sirsasana (Head to Knee Pose) with bolsters. Hold 5-10 min.

5. Supported Pascimottanasana (Extended Back Pose) with bolsters. Hold 5-10 min.

6. Viparita Karani (Legs up the wall Pose). Hold 5-15min.

Enjoy your calm :)